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Mark Cramer's C & X Report for the HandicappingEdge.Com.

Monday, July 05, 2004

Claiming Crown
July 17

Claiming Crown is the big event between the Triple Crown and the great summer meets. Claiming Crown often gives us some unusually challenging racing puzzles, since these are once-a-year events with shippers from around the country. Our feature article in #10, reflecting on decision making, could be a good prep for digging into the Claiming Crown races. I will be in Minnesota to cover this event (see article at end of #10 issue, which is in the mail) and the CC will serve as our stakes weekend.
Since I’ll be interviewing trainers and riders, watching workouts and digging for inside info, you will be receiving lots of contradictory opinions, as was the case for the Breeders Cup. My job is to dig for the info and explore. Your job is to use this information objectively according to your own handicapping persuasions, and in conjunction with the toteboard. Analysis should be on by 3 p.m. EST on July 16

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